Living on the bipolar spectrum, with a side order of PTSD and ADHD, Thomas has overcome severe childhood trauma, competed for his country in endurance events the world over, been into warzones like Ukraine to rescue civilians, children, and animals, delivered keynote speeches to international clients talking about personal resilience, within days of his house burning down, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
He has trained himself to become more sustainably happy and at the heart of it he's still just a humble man, who wants to help people change their lives. Thomas believes that anyone can become as resilient as he is, if they simply define some fundamentals and maintain them – outside advising some of the world’s biggest brands around how to look after the wellbeing of their staff, he works with individuals 1-2-1 to completely revolutionise the way you look at your life.
Ultimately Thomas feels that more dynamic, effective, and sustainable change is made when you focus on your primary goals, dreams, and needs, as a human being, to ensure you are more adaptive to whatever life throws at you.
You won’t find any fluffy coaching or wishy-washy psychology here… Thomas isn’t looking to pass you a box of tissues and expecting you to cry yourself better. This course is about getting to the root of what you want to achieve in life, looking at your limiting beliefs, and readying you with fundamental tools and techniques to change the way you operate as a human being.
The course starts with uncovering your limiting beliefs. This means that you will work with Thomas to assess how you feel about your life, and what’s holding you back. You’ll look in depth at how you self-sabotage and understand more about the various areas of your life, if there’s anyone else holding you back and delve into how you approach changing that mindset.
WEEK 2 - understanding YOURSELF
If we are to evolve as human beings we first have to understand our self. This starts with taking those limiting beliefs and looking at some of the psychology behind our current situation. Thomas is not a psychologist, so this is not about psychoanalysis, it’s about knowing who you are as a person, what values you hold true and getting to grips with who you are now and the person you ultimately want to become.
Goal setting is a fundamental in moving the needle in your everyday life. This might even start by motivating yourself to get out of bed. Making that bed, tidying the house, or doing the dishes may even seem trivial, but none the less they are goals to achieve and build momentum. Thomas will also help you to assess and define your short, medium and long term goals. It’s not important to always dangle a carrot you can never reach, but it is important to have ambition, to have focus and to strive for something. Without purpose, we very often fail to achieve even the smallest targets we set for ourselves. So this week will give you focus and structure.
Becoming organised for many will feel like a nightmare. Living with ADHD, Thomas is regularly struggling with procrastination and is no stranger to finding lots of things to do, without seemingly achieving any of them to the finish line. However, there are fundamentals that you can build into your life that will help you to become more organised day to day, even in small ways, so that you maintain a sense of moving forward, even if you hit those moments that feel bleak.
Believing in yourself is the key to living a more sustainably happy life. In this world you may never find someone else to believe in you so Thomas will help you to understand your ‘human value’ and to be your own champion. With this context in mind, whether you have others supporting your progress, or not, you will be able to motivate yourself towards whatever success means to you. If you can establish how to truly believe in yourself, then your possibilities are endless, no matter what the goal or ambition.
In the final week Thomas will help you to accelerate what you’ve been working on. This week will be about taking the foundations of what you’ve learned and putting them more readily into practise. You will re-assess your progress during the course and look at where you are falling behind. The most important aspect is also that while your course may end after 6 weeks, your life doesn’t, so it’s important to really bed down your process for living a life you’re proud of. This week will galvanise you and help you to understand how you can live a more sustainably fulfilling life, no matter what is thrown at you. This is where you truly find yourself.
Everything in life starts with taking that first step. And in order to take that first step towards change, you need to have courage, you need to know that it’s ok not to get things right first time and that you can always evolve.
Thomas would say that its either ‘One Day - Or Day One’ so get in touch and if you have any questions about whether the course might be right for you then don’t hesitate to reach out.
“You are the only author of the book of your life” but Thomas will help you to understand how to write the next chapter. He will bring love and compassion and a wide range of experience drawn from his challenging life to date.
Its not about climbing Everest, its about finding the foundations to help you live a more sustainably happy life every day. Drop Thomas an email, have a quick chat and see if he can help you cultivate who you really want to become.