a quick thanks

(First published - March 8th 2016)

Today has been absolutely overwhelming in terms of a response to the blog… I set up 48 hours ago and have had nearly 1000 readers from around the world…

I’ve been absolutely dumbstruck by messages of congratulations and the support that people are showing is just awesome! I use the term ‘awesome’ in it’s truest definitive sense, not the young trendy wasted version where we say it every 5 minutes as an accolade to Redbull or cheesy chips… I might add that people with mental health concerns should likely steer clear of Redbull, though I do have a bit of a soft spot for it on those days when you do 6 or 7 meetings back to back…

I was actually really touched by some peoples stories and their experience either personally, or within their friend and family networks…

One company Managing Director who runs a range of events in the city has asked me to come and speak about my journey, which is really exciting and I always love a good drinks and canapé session!

I also found the place where all the mad eccentrics eat and drink in London so I will be going here in the next couple of weeks! http://www.thewelly.com/ Definitely check this out if you like a quirky night spot!!

But most importantly what made me really smile, was how many people genuinely wanted to share their experience, or meet for coffee, or tweet about what I’m doing to raise awareness… Those of you who’ve sent my blog through to friends and colleagues, or written to me to tell me about how you want to change the ethics policies within your businesses, these are the things that will make a difference!

Thank you to all of you, you are the game changers, the fried egg in the Haribo packet, lilium inter spinus (the lilly among the thorns)… Your empathy will shape what we are to become as a society.

From the bottom of my heart thank you!


money & mental health


theory of ethics