Thomas Bell Thomas Bell


At the moment I'm doing a lot of research into how to change the stigma within a workplace. What really frustrates me is that there's loads of information out there that tells businesses why they should be looking at the better mental health of their staff, they stick on-line all sorts of graphs and figures that state how your company can be more productive, you can make more money etc…

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back to business
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

back to business

I never wanted to run my own business to be quite honest. I set up my own business because I got stitched up by a scorned MD after my first full time role. In 2005/06, while working for a telemarketing company in my first full-time role, earning a plethora of money for someone else, I was offered a job by one of our clients. The client had asked me if I'd consider coming on board…

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mum’s the word
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

mum’s the word

I spoke before in a slightly graphic context about some of what I experienced from my father growing up and about how my condition has developed, off the back of some level of disjointedness in my upbringing. That aside I think I should probably give some insight into the other half of my parental network... my Mum.

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fear & loathing
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

fear & loathing

I’m not really one for this ‘man flu’ rubbish to be honest… My mentality for the common cold, sniffles, sneezes and all that follow the definitive UK illness, is that it’s down to your mentality as an individual. Those who take days off with a light cold are likely those that you don’t want to be left on a desert island with and I’m definitely not one of those…

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show me the money
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

show me the money

It's fair to say that as human beings we all suffer from some degree of anxiety in our lives, this could be anything from first date nerves, to dentist appointments and beyond. That said, I think when tackling issues surrounding mental health, anxiety is a term that most can relate to when trying to get their head around the emotive tendencies of someone with a disorder of some kind…

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the eating disorder
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

the eating disorder

Now, when I first heard I may have an eating disorder I have to say I was sceptical, the idea was almost laughable... I've done martial arts on and off since the age of 4 years old, so I've always been slim; my anxiety also means I have a fast metabolism and it takes approximately 2 sit ups a year to maintain a good looking six pack! Get in! Unfortunately…

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peep show
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

peep show

On a number of occasions I’ve described my photographic memory as a sort of similar experience to watching ‘Peep Show.’ This is because when I touch back on the majority of memories in my head I sort of see them as if I’m looking through a camera at the activity unfolding before me. My earliest memory is at around the age of 4 years old…

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money & mental health
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

money & mental health

It’s a well known fact within the mental health field, that you’re 6 times more likely to suffer from financial issues and debt if you’re suffering from a form of mental health… And when we, as human beings, (regardless of mental health issues or not) are suffering from financial issues or debt, we have increased anxieties and pressure to stay afloat…

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a quick thanks
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

a quick thanks

Today has been absolutely overwhelming in terms of a response to the blog… I set up 48 hours ago and have had nearly 1000 readers from around the world. I’ve been absolutely dumbstruck by messages of congratulations and the support that people are showing is just awesome! I use the term ‘awesome’ in it’s truest definitive sense, not the young trendy wasted version…

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theory of ethics
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

theory of ethics

As a young man, I was always told by my mum that ethics were important. If I was to go for drinks with friends etc. then she told me I should always ensure I pay my way, make sure I buy my round at the pub, regardless of other peoples ethics in that situation… The problem is, that advice, though being positive, only escalates and becomes detrimental later in life…

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the fine print
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

the fine print

I was born on the 16th November 1984, which means that I personally still prefer Terminator 2 – Judgement Day, above any other film within the Terminator franchise… I have a form of photographic memory, so I sometimes recall images and situations from as far back as maybe 4 years old or so… I never see myself, it’s always like a kind of ‘Peep Show’ style visual…

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getting a grip
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell

getting a grip

Ok, so, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve never ‘blogged’ before… In fact, before a couple of days ago I never really understood the point! However, as a 31 year old chap, still working on the dynamics of being a successful entrepreneur, I thought that it may be good to try and let off a bit of steam, even if no one is listening… So I set up this rather rudimentary blog…

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