The most impactful thing that you can do for another human being, is help them find out who they are deep within. And that’s exactly what our ‘Wellbeing in the Wilderness’ initiative is all about.

    As an endurance athlete and extreme travel enthusiast, our Founder Thomas would say that he truly found himself while choosing his discomfort. So, he has devised these company challenges, in line with a professional charity challenge operator, to give you and your staff the opportunity to find out what really makes a human being mentally resilient.

    From mountains, to monkeys, mountain biking, to the world’s wonders, Thomas will literally strap on his big boy pants, and take your team on your chosen wild adventure, with his support crew of ex-military personnel (including commandos) and elite travel guides. We also have a sustainability pledge so what you spend goes back into local staff and resources, as well as projects to ensure that the places we are frequenting are looked after for years to come, our aim is to leave without any footprint.

    The aim here is to help staff on a more individual level, to learn about what is holding them back in life, overcome some obstacles and to strip away the safe suit or skirt that masks them in the work environment.

    Thomas and his mental health specialists will hold intimate fireside talks, covering some amazing stories of perseverance, and helping your employees learn what it takes to become a true leader, while never losing touch of what it means to be human.

    He has designed something for every level of ability, so, from the 18-year-olds to the 70-year-olds, there’s a challenge for you! And everything we do is about humbling ourselves and learning from one another as we grow and are inspired together.

    Everyone has something different that they want to overcome in life, but through travelling all over the world, Thomas is adamant that if you give your employees the chance to humble themselves together, then the unity and strength that comes from that will form life long bonds way beyond the workplace, and you’ll see your team evolve to become more mentally resilient, over 33% more productive day to day, and ensure that your company is in even safer hands upon their return.

    If you help someone to find themselves, they will go to the edge of the earth for you! And we’ll literally take them there!

    We offer challenges from 10-100 people at a time, depending on the challenge and we ask each member of staff who attends, to raise a bit of money for a charity of their choice, or for your company’s chosen charity, so we’re not only evolving your people, we’re encouraging them to change some lives along the way.